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Author Topic: Why does everybody hate Hideo Kojima????  (Read 3297 times)

Offline Unicron!
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Why does everybody hate Hideo Kojima????
« on: July 31, 2002, 07:25:54 AM »
I ve seen the "Hideo Kojima over-exploited ...." thread and I wonder why does everybody hate Hideo?
MGS and MGS2 are some of the best games ever.The only disadvandages are their lenght and the huge cut scenes.
The plot??Some say it was bad written in MGS2.
I think its too complex.Not bad written.The plots were full of messages.
Some parts of their stories are taken fom reality.Hideo Kojima just exaggerated them and created a fictional story on them to make it more shoking so he could transmit the messages and meanings of the plot to us more effectively(Through exaggeration its easier to make someone understand the meanings).

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Why does everybody hate Hideo Kojima????
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2002, 07:30:37 AM »
because  ...............................................

some people just love to bitch about anything  


some people are just trolls
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Why does everybody hate Hideo Kojima????
« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2002, 07:36:43 AM »
Originally posted by mm
because  ...............................................

some people just love to bitch about anything  


some people are just trolls

Im with the first one :)

I dont hate Kojima. But Im still disappointed with MGS:S. Why? Id much rather see a new game instead of some rehash that I completed several months ago.

I was hoping for MGS3, and I got MGS:S :crap:

The only thing about MGS:S that sounds interesting is Snakes Tales. (IMO)

I dont think it was Hideos idea to do a MGSS though. Konami had a deal with MS to release MGSX. MGS2 was exclusive to PS2 so they made MGS:S (and at the same time released it on the PS2 to make sure it will sell enough).
Btw, he said he was leaving.. Didn’t he?
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Why does everybody hate Hideo Kojima????
« Reply #3 on: July 31, 2002, 07:39:50 AM »
a deal with m$

there\'s the problem right there
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Why does everybody hate Hideo Kojima????
« Reply #4 on: July 31, 2002, 07:44:30 AM »
Originally posted by fastson

Im with the first one :)

I dont hate Kojima. But Im still disappointed with MGS:S. Why? Id much rather see a new game instead of some rehash that I completed several months ago.

I was hoping for MGS3, and I got MGS:S :crap:

The only thing about MGS:S that sounds interesting is Snakes Tales. (IMO)

I dont think it was Hideos idea to do a MGSS though. Konami had a deal with MS to release MGSX. MGS2 was exclusive to PS2 so they made MGS:S (and at the same time released it on the PS2 to make sure it will sell enough).
Btw, he said he was leaving.. Didn’t he?

Fastson Hideo has stated that MGS2:S is for true MG fans who can\'t wait 2 years for a sequel. He said in an article that he\'d like to do a MG game one year a filler game the next then a sequel the next year. That means a new MG every 2 years! If you goto any Metal Gear forum you\'ll see that fans can\'t wait for Substance and some are buying an X-Box :GASP: just to get it first. Since it is exclusive on the X-Box until 2003 when it becomes available for both PS2 and PC.

I am glad they are releasing these filler games inbetween. Of course I am a diehard fan and usually get bored with playing Metal Gear 100 times from start to finish. :D

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Why does everybody hate Hideo Kojima????
« Reply #5 on: July 31, 2002, 08:17:24 AM »
I think saying "everyone" hates him is alittle bit of an overstatement. The fact is, I don\'t hate Hideo. He has produced some fine games. I just think that the MGS series is in general over-hyped and not worth the fanbase that it has. I also think Hideo is highly over-rated as a creative mind in this industry. That is just *my* personal opinion.

Hideo is by no means a terrible developer. He just isn\'t a truly amazing developer at this time . Who knows what he\'ll come out with in the future.

On another note, Hideo\'s games for the most part just don\'t appeal to me. Sneaking around and dealing with highly convulted stories to get a "meaing" just doesn\'t sit well with me. Fact is, I prefer my games with zero story for the most part.

Once again, I\'ll note that this is all personal opinion, to hopefully save me from the oncoming flames of MGS fans.

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Why does everybody hate Hideo Kojima????
« Reply #6 on: July 31, 2002, 08:17:36 AM »
Isn\'t this the second thread about this.  The first one was lame, in any case.  Metal Gear Solid Series has now become one of the greatest of all time.  It\'s unique, maybe it got a little ovehyped, but there is no need to bitch about it.  GOD, let what is be.
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Why does everybody hate Hideo Kojima????
« Reply #7 on: July 31, 2002, 08:20:15 AM »
Originally posted by Speed Demon
I am glad they are releasing these filler games inbetween. Of course I am a diehard fan and usually get bored with playing Metal Gear 100 times from start to finish. :D

:rolleyes: Hmmm, imo filler games can be a deathstab to solid
gamefranchises. Most of the time stuff like that waters it all
down. Right now, alot of ppl say they\'ll buy MGS:S anyway, but
I question that....
As for Hideo Kojima ; I think he needs a BIG vacation or he
should do something totally different, like another type of game
or maybe a comedy movie. \'Why a comedy movie\' ? Well, becuz
I think a good director should be able to handle anything, and
imo the Metal Gear games take themselves pretty serious, in
spite of the numerous jokes which they contain
(although some of that is getting old in MGS2SOL :snore: )
« Last Edit: July 31, 2002, 08:25:26 AM by Knotter8 »
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Why does everybody hate Hideo Kojima????
« Reply #8 on: July 31, 2002, 08:42:46 AM »
Gee you guys are hard to please. First everyone bitches about how Rayden was gay and they got duped into being him when they fully expected to be Snake. Now that you actually do get Snake, its like "oh yeah, MS convinced Kojama to do a rehash". If it was just Rayden with new gay muscle shirts and pink poney tails with tutu\'s, then its a rehash! But its not, the next MGS release actually has compelling new features.
« Last Edit: July 31, 2002, 08:45:27 AM by Avatarr »

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Why does everybody hate Hideo Kojima????
« Reply #9 on: July 31, 2002, 08:43:53 AM »
IMO, Hideo is brilliant and I can see why he\'s getting the attention, that IMO he deserves. He\'s made a game with MGS (on PSX) that has a great appeal and is very story driven. It\'s the first of its kind to really introduce true espionage in 3d where the main object isn\'t kill kill kill but to really use your brains of how to get passed those soldiers without drawing as much attention as possible. Of course you can go off in the almost standard manner with the weapons drawn, but in MGS - that won\'t get you far. The next thing that makes him brilliant as a director is the realism involved in the game. The detail. It\'s just amazing how much effort has gone into this game (and with that I am primarely refering to MGS:SOL) and I bet, most people don\'t even notice those details. Like the soldiers, how they react and how they communicate with eachother. Then the interactivity with objects around you. It just isn\'t dead - but you can effectively use the whole environment for your strageties or turn them against you. That\'s what makes it so amazing. Sure there might be a lot of cut scenes - but, this is a game that masterly combines an action movie with a game. And at that, it isn\'t a cheap B plot storyline either, but much better. And if anyone wants to argue this, then they probably didn\'t get the storyline - it\'s that simple.

Now to the main part: is he overrated? I\'d say no... the MGS2 has proven to be marvel in almost every aspect and therefore it isn\'t a suprise that it\'s one of the fastest selling games outthere. I don\'t know the actual sales for these 2 games, but they prolly sold more than most other games outthere. Sure one can argue that Suzuki or others may be better, but I really think there\'s no comparasment really. Their both great at what they do and both deserve a lot of respect. I can see how people can dislike either games, but IMO, that shouldn\'t end in disrespect for such an achievement.
« Last Edit: July 31, 2002, 08:48:18 AM by seven »

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Why does everybody hate Hideo Kojima????
« Reply #10 on: July 31, 2002, 08:48:43 AM »
Errm, I was prolly th\' first to seriously debate Kojima in that thread and never said that I hated him.

I\'ve played a good deal of MG2 (MSX emulation) and MGS.. and they were great games. Kojima\'s fine.

My view is just that he\'s a very limited man in the way of genres, and the mainstream over-rates him based on th\' two Metal Gear Solid games. Partially because they\'re very movie-like.. and that pisses me off.

Games aren\'t meant to be movies.. this is something that I wish most journalists would realize..
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Why does everybody hate Hideo Kojima????
« Reply #11 on: July 31, 2002, 08:52:54 AM »
Blade, why aren\'t games allowed to become more movie like? Is it the realism that\'s bugging you? Or the storyline?

IMO, interactive movies is sooner or later going to come. I mean, how cool is it when instead of just watching, you can actually decide for yourself what you want to do?

Oh and as I said in my last thread: my main understanding of games were always that games are a different form of entertainment. Nothing there about how a game must be, to be qualified as one...

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Why does everybody hate Hideo Kojima????
« Reply #12 on: July 31, 2002, 09:26:12 AM »
Originally posted by Knotter8

As for Hideo Kojima ; I think he needs a BIG vacation or he
should do something totally different, like another type of game
or maybe a comedy movie. \'Why a comedy movie\' ? Well, becuz
I think a good director should be able to handle anything, and
imo the Metal Gear games take themselves pretty serious, in
spite of the numerous jokes which they contain
(although some of that is getting old in MGS2SOL :snore: )

Actually Hideo said that he is a big fan of western comedy.
MGSs has some comedy moments in them.I would like to see a Hot Shots style game that satirizes ither games.That would be nice.

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Why does everybody hate Hideo Kojima????
« Reply #13 on: July 31, 2002, 09:27:28 AM »
To be honest, when it comes down to this debate, it all ends up being one thing. Two types of people. Those who don\'t mind as games progress towards interactive movies and movie style storylines and those who hate the fact we are moving towards that. If you don\'t mind it, I\'m sure you apperciate Kojima\'s viewpoint and if you do mind it, than you are likely to think the MGS series is over-rated.

I personally fall in the latter catergory. I dislike the fact that games are moving towards interactive movies and movie style storylines. Its my personal preference though.

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Why does everybody hate Hideo Kojima????
« Reply #14 on: July 31, 2002, 09:59:18 AM »
Seven: The more realistic games get, the better.. IMO.

If a game is like a movie and has the gameplay to back it up, that\'s fine. We\'re not really at a point where holo-decks are possible, though.. and the mainstream seems to be mis-informed about what makes a good game.

My entire argument was kind of pointless.. I was saying: If MGS2/Kojima are in Newsweek, why aren\'t the Halo team? They superficially discuss video games.. they don\'t dig as deep as they do with other forms of entertainment.

Like this week, they have a big section about th\' creator of The Sixth Sense.. and they went in-depth with his coverage. They don\'t do this for video games (yet) thus I don\'t think they\'re serious about them. Okay?
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