Like I said Chrono, I\'m not hear to talk to people like you. I\'ve been an internet junkie for years now and have never had over 500 posts on any forum until this one. There are intelligent people here, that have valuable things to say, and interesting things to contribute.
When was the last time you said anything interesting? Can anyone here thing of something? ... no I thought not.
Yeah, I can see where you\'re coming from Unicron (love transformers btw--unfortunate about armada though
). But it\'s interesting to look at a movie from a director\'s viewpoint. Look at the camera work, the lighting, etc. There is a very deep craft there, that adds another layer to good movies.
Take Hitchcock\'s "Birds" for example. There is a scene where the heroine is sitting on a bench chatting and out of focus, in the background, on the monkey bars, crows start gathering behind her one by one .
The first time I watched it I was watching the intended focal point of the scene (the female) and didn\'t even notice the birds until the heroine did. That\'s great vision and skill, and it accomplishes something that a book cannot. Because once something is on the page, it\'s pretty difficult to hide from the audience.
VG\'s don\'t have something like this that distinguishes them from the other medias, unless you disregard story and go to gameplay. That\'s why the heart of a game lies in its gameplay, not its story. Because VGs can\'t compete on the same level--the skill isn\'t there yet.