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Author Topic: Refuting The Top Ten Most Annoying Anti-War Cliches  (Read 3908 times)

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Refuting The Top Ten Most Annoying Anti-War Cliches
« Reply #15 on: February 28, 2003, 02:27:31 PM »
Well the image of you sitting there naked is a bit much, unless you you look like your avatar. :)


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Refuting The Top Ten Most Annoying Anti-War Cliches
« Reply #16 on: March 01, 2003, 02:28:46 AM »
I knew I forgot to add to some things.

In addtition to 10
Haliburton already has signed a contract if US takes over Iraqi oil they will be in charge. They\'ll make billions upgrading old iraqi oil refinaries. Oh yeah, guess what Cheney was head of Haliburton in 95 til his new job, VP of the good ol\' USA. N. Korea has the same if not more capability of attacking the US. News agency have reported that N. Korea has the capability to attack the US, unlike Iraq.

I doubt its one big koinky dink. :)

In addition to 8
Isreal, how many UN regulations have they broken in the past/present and still are to this day.

In addition to 3
Yeah I believe they have WMD also, so does N. Korea. Iraq just has no way in hitting the US long range.

When is he going to refute my argument of "If we want to kill terrorists, then would stop looking to invade apparently either unrelated, or only loosely related countries, and actually LOOK FOR, AND KILL TERRORISTS.”
« Last Edit: March 01, 2003, 02:31:21 AM by luckee »
\"Booze, broads, and bullshit. If you got all that, what else do you need?\"-Harry Caray

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Refuting The Top Ten Most Annoying Anti-War Cliches
« Reply #17 on: March 02, 2003, 04:41:33 PM »
So now no one wants to respond to me? :(
\"Booze, broads, and bullshit. If you got all that, what else do you need?\"-Harry Caray

Don\'t cry over spilled milk., It could have been Whiskey.-Me

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Refuting The Top Ten Most Annoying Anti-War Cliches
« Reply #18 on: March 03, 2003, 11:31:58 AM »
Please explain how nine and ten are insulting. I don\'t see the insults.

Number six: Well, I have to say, the left is quite willing to use these terms. It\'s a similar situation when someone on the left will call someone a racist just for bringing up affirmative action. The words are used too easily.

Number four: I will agree that it is important for the world economy to not have Saddam controlling the oil fields of the Middle East. I do not believe that the only reason we are doing this is for oil. Why did we not take the oil fields last time around? Also, we are powerful enough to go in and do it at any time. Is 9/11 just a convenient excuse for us to go to war for oil? I would call that silly and naive.

Number two: I think that the protesters have every right to do what they are doing. The soldiers who are ready to fight are willing to die for that right. It is a ashame that these protests are giving comfort to Saddam, though. It is also sad that a lot of these protesters are not so much protesting the war but protesting GWB.

I\'ll add one more. We hear a lot of "what happened to the war on terror? Shouldn\'t we finish that job first? How can we root out terrorists while we are occupied with Iraq? Just read the news and you can see we can do more than one thing at a time.

More later!


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Refuting The Top Ten Most Annoying Anti-War Cliches
« Reply #19 on: March 03, 2003, 11:55:29 AM »
I guess I should have clarified a little more. When I said insulting, I meant his *circular logic* is insulting to anyone with avergae intelligence. Insulting in 10 refers to him stating "That\'s like putting an "ignorant and proud of it" stamp on your forehead and it should warn sensible people that they don\'t need to waste time paying attention to you."

just b/c ppl dont agree with his stance and think we shouldn\'t deal with NK with a hard stance as we do with Iraq.

I dont think oil is the only reason. I also dont think we will just go in and take it either. Look at afghanistan. An oil pipeline they have been pushing to have built there for years instantly gets approved within a week of installing the dummy government. I see similar things happening after Saddam is ousted.
\"Booze, broads, and bullshit. If you got all that, what else do you need?\"-Harry Caray

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Refuting The Top Ten Most Annoying Anti-War Cliches
« Reply #20 on: March 03, 2003, 01:34:54 PM »
What... that was suposed to justify the war ?

or was it just to sling mud at the Anti-war camp.... ?

me =:confused:
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Refuting The Top Ten Most Annoying Anti-War Cliches
« Reply #21 on: March 03, 2003, 07:32:53 PM »
The people who say that we should go after North Korea more are also the people who push for more inspections which Iraq. Saddam is FINALLY (supposively) destroying missles (6 out of the 100s that we know of) that we found, and according to a number of articles, is even "willing" to talk about some VX gas (funny, why didn\'t they say this in the first place?). Its not like we are "disregarding" their opinion. But letting up on Iraq now, could also mean that NK (which is still an apple to orange comparison. More on this later) will get more belligerant and dangerous. Also, supposing that Saddam is finally admitting what is obvious (after 3 months of inspections, 12 [count em] 12 years of deceit, does that mean what he is trying to do now for real?), what is the weapons he is NOT talking about?

Also, it is an apple to orange case. Iraq is surrounded by Middle Eastern nations that, are partly with Saddam, and are not, say any local "super powers" other then Europe (which France and Germany being behind Iraq) and Israel (Israel having any influence with Iraq? :rolleyes: ). If anything, England and the US are pretty much the only ones who are taking the Iraq situation seriously (it took the UN a month or so to get the resoultion passed, and another 2 or so months to admit that the resolutions HAVE been violated and are waiting for the UN to come up with an appropriate action [which for the French...is more "inspections"]). North Korea on the other hand, has Russia, China, Japan, and South Korea. NONE (especailly China) WANT a nuclear Korean Peninsula (a nuclear Korean Peninsula could lead to a local arms race with Japan getting nukes. Which is NOT goog for China). Currently, we ARE (yes, we didn\'t ignore North Korea) trying to get China to lean on North Korea more since China is "buddie buddies" with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Il. South Korea is trying to open talks as well. US isn\'t alone when it comes to North Korea despite the rheteric of the North Koreans and the media slant.

As for it being about "oil", again, the argument has been refuted by the original refutation. Now, yes, the simple fact that Iraq has oil could be good news to the US (as well as other nations I might add since it would add a LOT more oil to the open [keyword here, open] market). Now, this is supposing that Saddam doesn\'t blow them up. If Saddam does blow them up (well documented that HE will go this route when attacked), it helps nobody. If it was solely about the oil, simply lifting the sanctions would be a LOT better economically to the oil arguement (not good for the Iraqs, but who cares about the Iraqis when we could have cheap oil right?).

As for Afganisthan, so what? Again, like Iraq, the pipeline will help the Afganisthan. The same way as Iraq will help the local people.

[edit]Also, just because you have the right to do something, doesn\'t make you "patriotic".

Definition of patriotism according to the American Herritage Dictionary...
SYLLABICATION: pa·tri·ot·ism
NOUN: Love of and devotion to one\'s country.
Many of the people who ARE in those parades, they do NOT have the love and devotion to one\'s country (that being the United States).

Now, before you flame me, did I say that "all anti-War protesters are \'unpatriotic\'"? NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There ARE anti-war people who ARE patriotic! All I\'m saying, many of the ones protesting, carrying the signs, are NOT patriotic (the Bush is a Facist, America is a Terrorist State, Bush is a Moron, Blood Not Oil crowd). NOT THE SCINCERE ANTI-WAR PERSON WHO SIMPLELY DOESN\'T WANT WAR!
« Last Edit: March 03, 2003, 07:39:47 PM by Simchoy »
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Refuting The Top Ten Most Annoying Anti-War Cliches
« Reply #22 on: March 03, 2003, 09:15:09 PM »
So what??? You dont find it odd that Cheney and Bush, both of which have intrest in the company who will make insane amounts of money b/c of this pipeline all of a sudden get to build it? Hell, they could have made it less obvious and waited a while in the least.

Who said anything about having the right to do something makes them patriotic?
\"Booze, broads, and bullshit. If you got all that, what else do you need?\"-Harry Caray

Don\'t cry over spilled milk., It could have been Whiskey.-Me

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Refuting The Top Ten Most Annoying Anti-War Cliches
« Reply #23 on: March 03, 2003, 11:21:46 PM »
No one in this thread in particular. But it is an arguement the radical protesters, the Hollywood left makes when trying to say they are "patriotic" while holding up a sign like "America is Evil" or going to another country and protest the US, or something along those lines. Patriotism is a clearly defined term.

And for Bush and Cheney, so what? Even if they somehow profited from it (I believe Cheney had to give up his share of the company in order to be the Vice President in the first place), oil is a way of life, like it or not. Didn\'t say that every decision made is a moral decision, that doesn\'t mean it is the right decision.

And like I said, Iraq has oil, given. Whoever owns those oil fields (which would be the Iraqi people if Saddam doesn\'t blow them up) will profit from it. That doesn\'t mean that Bush and Cheney will the be the ones racking in the cash.

Besides, speaking of moral decisions, it IS well documented that France and Iraq have oil deals. No one is innocent when it comes to Iraqi oil.
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Refuting The Top Ten Most Annoying Anti-War Cliches
« Reply #24 on: March 03, 2003, 11:49:27 PM »
Lets get one thing clear.


so take us off that list.

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Refuting The Top Ten Most Annoying Anti-War Cliches
« Reply #25 on: March 03, 2003, 11:52:03 PM »

Same can be said with Tony Blair, and to a lesser, lesser, lesser extent Bush (since a majority does support war, but still, that drops when UN isn\'t involved).
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Refuting The Top Ten Most Annoying Anti-War Cliches
« Reply #26 on: March 04, 2003, 02:19:49 AM »
Originally posted by Avatarr
Lets get one thing clear.


so take us off that list.

you forgot to add


Down with TONY BLAIR !
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Refuting The Top Ten Most Annoying Anti-War Cliches
« Reply #27 on: March 04, 2003, 05:00:21 AM »
Originally posted by Simchoy

Same can be said with Tony Blair, and to a lesser, lesser, lesser extent Bush (since a majority does support war, but still, that drops when UN isn\'t involved).

I\'m not sure about the US anymore, but in Australia, we vote in the leaders (yes I can vote now :D ) so they can do the micro management. Big issues like deciding to go to war or not.. that\'s decided by the people.

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Refuting The Top Ten Most Annoying Anti-War Cliches
« Reply #28 on: March 04, 2003, 05:06:20 AM »
Originally posted by Avatarr
Big issues like deciding to go to war or not.. that\'s decided by the people.

That is very scary!!!


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Refuting The Top Ten Most Annoying Anti-War Cliches
« Reply #29 on: March 04, 2003, 05:55:59 AM »
Originally posted by Ace

That is very scary!!!


How is it ?

after all its the People who carry the Can if a War is or isn\'t waged on their behalf.

Remember Politicians are elected to SERVE the PEOPLE !

Also its the people who send their Son\'s and Daughters off To fight and sometimes DIE....Not the Politicians.

When is the last time a Politicians Son was KIA or MIA ?
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