Cyrus, you\'re wrong. There are some things in life we can not choose. Some people are born with natural talents or gifts, some with birth defects. What\'s your take on those?
The desire to find a companion is natural instinct, as in something you are born with. Do you think animals make a concious decision to be gay? As bob pointed out earlier, it is evident in other species.
Do you honestly think I make a concious effort to be gay? You think it\'s something that I had chosen at an early age before I even knew what it was?
Your ideas were handed to you by someone you trust (ie: parents, teachers, peers) so you choose to believe that is the truth. Their misconceptions are now yours. That or you simply make an excuse to deal with fear of the unknown like so many people do.
How could you have possibly convinced yourself that you have the answer to what has been questioned for hundreds of years?
And yes it is an unknown. There is no definitive answer and I\'d like to be the first to know when there is.
To answer your question Jumpman. I believe that it\'s something one is born with.
I don\'t think about it though. I\'ve spent the last decade trying to "fix" it to no avail. Within the last decade I\'ve gone through changes such as the type of music I listen to, the friends I hang around, my hobbies, my job, motives, ethics, morals, etc. All those are preferences and choices.