Originally posted by mm
1. he knew she was a minor
2. he had sex with a child, therefor a pedophile
3. online petitions are lame
^^^ I am with this guy. I don\'t care if she was 1 day shy of 16 - She was 15 and technically a minor. Is it legal for you to buy alcohol 3 months before your 21st birthday?
As others said he should have waited and that article is very misleading. Rome is a college town - Berry College - not the backward ass town that it is portrayed in that article. As for KKK rumblings in Rome - I guess that is a good way for the author to embelish the story and try and stereotype southern towns :rolleyes:
Rome is about an hour from here and it is a normal town with normal people. The thing that people who don\'t live in the south don\'t understand is that this is the Bible Belt. On my way home from work I pass huge billboards that say "Sex before marriage, don\'t do it" and other such religiously motivated signs (Swifdi would feel right at home)

. Personally, I couldn\'t care less for organized religion, but this case is not about race, its about moral issues and that is the way the jury and the judge looked at it. Did most of you who are defending him realize he has two prior incidents involving young girls?
As for armchair activism - I second mm\'s opinion.