Originally posted by GigaShadow
Sweden is neutral and hasn\'t been in a war since the 18th century. It only figures that pacifism runs rampant in Sweden. Yes I agree, you do have some technological marvels, but as far as defense spending goes - it is microscopic compared to the US. During the Cold War, the only thing protecting Sweden was the US/NATO - otherwise the USSR would have gobbled Sweden up and made it another Lithuania/Latvia/Estonia.
Yes we are neutral, it was a strategy we took on after WW1. Yes we haven’t been in war since the 1814. Why? It was a choice we took on after 1721, you see we used to be a great power in the 1600-1700.. The cost of this was a almost constant state of war in the 1600-1700 (untill 1721), where Russia, Denmark, Poland, the small German states etc. wanted to get back what they had lost to us.
If I wanted to run a smear campaign I would just ask what percentage of the Swedish population works? For those who are curious the answer is roughly 17 percent!

And may I ask for a source?
If we become unemployed we will most likely lose our homes and most of other vital possessions (ie. automobile).
And that shows how much you know about our system

If you want to apply for welfare you must present what our own etc. If you have a car, you might have to sell it before they will grant you welfare (depends on how long you expect to be on it), while you are on welfare you MUST activly seek employment.
Its your right to get welfare as a Swedish citizen, its nice to know that its there if something happens. It is not designed to pay for you for longer periods of time.. The welfare office and AMS (Arbetsförmedlingen = employment service) will help you with employment.
Yes, the Swedish policy of forced sterilization was due to the attempt at creating the perfect welfare state.
Never heard this, I have only read about it when talking about people with mental disturbances. May I have a source?
How did we go from the bombings in Madrid, to slamming socialism, to slamming sweden? :eek: