If saddam had, or his forces had access to weapons like this, they would have used them in defence of baghdad, by trained military people who would have delivered them properly to try and do the most damage. Everyone was expecting that.
They wouldn\'t hold onto this stuff for a year and then try and use it inneffectively later. If it went out to syria, which is plausible (and means that there wasn\'t a development program for producing the stuff when they invaded - if they\'re getting rid of it), then it\'s just as likely that they\'re simply buying such things on the black market in countries around iraq. Nobody likes to talk about it, but the US, Russia, China, and European countries make a lot of money selling military ordenance to small nations, and even if some of that ordinace gets used back against them, they\'re not going to cut of such a lucrative business.
First of all Fatalexception dug himself a hole by quoting certain selections from a link without reading the entire thing.
I read the whole things, which is why it took a while for me to come back to that. YOU need to look through them again, and do a google with some of the kewords of stolen military hardware weapons, etc. You will be shocked at how many ORDINARY reservists and such are caught with "souvenir" rockets, grenades, mines, C4, etc etc. It\'s actually kind of unreal.
You say I dug myself a hole, but there is no way to refute the truth, because it\'s an acknowledged problem in the US military, one they\'re trying to fix... but are having a heckuva time trying to keep track of their ordinance!
Look at the first quote/article again. 242
reported cases, over 150 were inside jobs by military personel - and they know there are many unreported cases out there. Look at what\'s stolen: rockets, mines, grenades...
If you meant I dug a hole with the earlier article about WMD, hey, I read that too, then there are plenty of reasons they couldn\'t account for all the ordinance.. theft, mis-management of the books, shelf-life, improper disposal. Lots of reasons that seem to me to be far more likely than some far reaching conspiracy to hide stockpiles of the stuff (which haven\'t been found). At the end of the day, though there is that unnacounted for inventory - they still come out and say that there\'s no evidence of any active WMD programs in iraq, and they only mention his violation of trying to increase his delivery distance...