Originally posted by mjps21983
oh man! :rolleyes:
Uh white people didn\'t enslave blacks - it was your African brothers who sold their fellow Africans into slavery. The west - including hispanics and even some blacks provided a market. Slavery was also still going strong in the Middle East long after the Civil War.
For the record whites have suffered throughout history as well - study feudal Europe and look up the meaning of a serf. Unless you were royalty - which 95 percent of us weren\'t you were a slave. Every culture has suffered indiginities at the hands of their own society or anothers.
Blacks have every opportunity to succeed in this country and in some respects even more opportunities than whites.
UH, thats a joke. Seriously, you cant just blame our "African Brothers" for selling others to the white men. To say that it was all on them in the first place is plain stupid. I dont think they all would have done such a thing if they understood how it affected their own people today. Of course we cant prove that. Even if they didnt sell them do you think white people would just be like "ok if you arent selling then we arent buying"? Now to assume that would be even more stupid. A lot of the people sold to whites were pows and slave like people already so it didnt matter as much to the africans at the time. I guess explaining this would take more than a few sentences but perhaps you can grasp the gist (sp?) of what im trying to say.
Like you said: Every type of person has experienced hardships at the hand of their own people so its not like being white and poor or w/e back in the day makes it any less wrong for them to enslave blacks. At first blacks werent even slaves. They were introduced to endentured servitude untill people figured, why pay them when we can enslave them for free. Not to mention that we stuck out like sore thumbs.
Whites "enslaving" whites and so on has nothing to do with race and because of the racial aspect of US slavery, it has grown into a problem that still exsists.
Blacks have every opportunity to succeed if not more? Please tell me youre joking. That is about one of the most ignorant things ive heard today. Seriously - im not trying to bash you, but do you really think that blacks stand a fair chance with underfunded schooling? Many blacks have to depend on public schooling which is never all that great in the black communities. They get older books, lesser qualified teachers, older equipment, and almost always have a higher student to teacher ratio than other schools.
Not only that but how is a black youth supposed to get into schooling mentally when they live in communities where sometimes school isnt as important to the people as other communities? The ignorant cant raise non ignorant children as easily as you may think. And please dont try to tell me that all of that mentality is on us alone. Just to mention one thing - There is a complex where blacks treat other blacks like slave owners did to blacks. This obviously doesnt promote progression. Its not as uncommon as one might think.
The only thing we get is Affirmative action which i cant say i agree fully with but some people make it out to be nothing but trouble. I cant and wont say that the white man is the sole reason for our lack of progression but you cant deny the fact that the modern black person is very much a product of slavery etc. etc. (obviously we are very different from todays Africans).
This could have been shorter but i had to get a point across because there were just too many things that you didnt take into consideration. Hopefully there is something in this mass that you can understand and maybe even agree with. If not then theres nothing i can do about that. All i can say is that i tried.