I understand that part about the "earning a vote", but to be honest I don\'t see where it came from - up until the 70\'s most Democrats in the south were "Dixiecrats" ie. Strom Thurmond, George Wallace, etc... it doesn\'t make sense that the Democrats "earned" their vote.
As for the racial overtones, he could have left the whole slavery part out of it. The slave mentality (meaning dwelling on slavery) is what half the problem is. You can\'t deny that Sharpton uses race as the focal point in almost all of his speeches. That, combined with his past doesn\'t help. As I said before his speech offers nothing new or insightful, it was more regurgitated rhetoric to get the masses of delegates riled up.
We will most likely see the the same thing when the GOP has its convention at the end of the month. The person I was most impressed with at the convention didn\'t even speak (I believe) - Ben Affleck\'s interview with O\'Reilly was great. If a candidate was running and had his attitude and personality I would vote for them regardless of what party they were in.