Originally posted by cloud345
Allah=Submission to God, same person.
And i will flame people who oppoese the word god because those people are too touchy and want the world to satisfy their every need. Why should they care about a pledge saying one nation under god if they believe in god too. They just thing its a crime that you should be put to death to if you associate politics to religion.
Also canada has the word god in their pledge but i dont hear them complaining. I wonder why :rolleyes:
Allah and God ARE NOT THE "same person"
First off, Allah to Muslims can not be given any form or fashion. Allah is "not a person" This way the Muslims keep the purity of their God intact.
Muslims do not believe in the trinity and Allah can only be singular. Therefore, Christian God and Muslim Allah are not the same there either.
Muslims believe that Allah is the PERSONAL NAME of god. God for Christians is just sort of a nickname. Allah is one and only and nothing else can be Allah. So for you to even compare the two by the "=" sign is blasphemy. The word Allah has no gender and it is not plural.
You are insane for even trying to connect "God" to other Gods.
"Why should they care about a pledge saying one nation under god if they believe in god too."
Maybe because their God is not the one that gave up his life to save humanity. Maybe their God has not come. Maybe because their God is not divided into three separate beings?
I don\'t know, could that be it?
The people are not being "touchy" It\'s a matter of beliefs. Saying the word God is nothing of course. But when you are not only subjecting yourself verbally to a nation AND as a bonus to a deity then there is a problem. It is a problem for people that do not believe in the Christian God. It is a problem for people who do not wish to be associated with the Christian God. It is a problem with people that have a religion that punishes them for being submissive, in any way or fashion, to another God!
The words "under God" were nothing but a result from the Communism scare that this country went through. Signed by Eisenhower(sp), merely an attempt to keep the country people happy. The problem with the word is that it implies that America:
That a deity exists. Traditionally, God is viewed as at least omniscient (all knowing) and omnipotent (with infinite powers). Many religions add other attributes, such as all-loving.
Maleness: "God" implies a male deity. There is no room in the Pledge for any female deity/deities who are normally called "Goddesses."
Uniqueness: The phrase implies monotheism: that there is only a single deity who one who rules over America.
Omnipresent: The phrase implies that God rules over all of America, and is present everywhere.
Control: Most Americans probably believe that the phrase indicates a God who interferes with events on earth, guiding the U.S. in the direction that he wishes.
Get it? By using the phrase "under God" the Government is acknowledging the existence of a God, not only that, they are putting this countries faith in the hands of that God. They are not just "words" They are a statement. A statement that pretty much says that this country only identifies with the Christian God.
It is almost as bad as having prayer in school. Of course, I\'m sure it will never happen again, but that again was opposed because of the same reasons.
That is why people are "touchy" about it. Not to whine, not to bother you, it\'s just to make sure that this country\'s freedom of religion foundation is still intact.