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Author Topic: London hit by terrorist attack?  (Read 5578 times)

Offline GigaShadow
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London hit by terrorist attack?
« Reply #60 on: July 13, 2005, 11:45:40 AM »
Originally posted by Ghettomath
No Giga, one would be a racist to do so. When you go into the city, do you watch all black people closely because you think you are going to get robbed?

If I were you I would stop trying to defend the ignorant deportation statement you made and just stop posting in this thread. You\'ve done enough to discredit yourself already.

Don\'t be so naive.  The idiots that have done all of these acts have been from the Middle East or of Middle Eastern decent.   Why don\'t you grow some and stop being so politically correct.  Of course we should watch people from the Middle East more closely - we would be foolish not to.

Profiling is essential when gathering information on suspects regarding certain crimes.  If the government is investigating organized crime - watch the Italians or Russians.  If you are looking for Islamic terrorists - watch people from the Middle East.

Take the case in Howard Beach recently where some Italian guys beat up some black guys.  The mayor of NY along with the police department were quick to label it a "hate crime".  The thing the media didn\'t publicize that much was the fact that these black guys were there to steal a car.  Sorry, but they picked the wrong neighborhood to pull off a crime.  Now if some white guys are in a black neighborhood at 3AM they are only there for one thing - drugs.  Suppose they get beat up by some blacks - I seriously doubt it would be labeled as a hate crime, but that is entirely different subject.  This is about profiling and it can be applied to both of the previous examples.  Black guys in a white neighborhood at 3 AM are trying to steal something.  White guys in a black neighborhood at 3 AM are buying drugs.  Profiling.  It works.

Political correctness is out of control and people like you who think it is racist to profile terror suspects should get a mandatory labotomy.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2005, 12:01:40 PM by GigaShadow »
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London hit by terrorist attack?
« Reply #61 on: July 13, 2005, 11:51:37 AM »
Originally posted by GmanJoe
They (leaders) ought to.

It isn\'t the political leaders it is the so called clerics who preach this hatred.  Obviously the ones in the UK will condemn it - they don\'t want to be lynched.  Outside of Europe where are the condemnations from these "Holy" men?  

Where is the silent majority of Islam when this kind of thing happens?  What is going to take for these people to speak up?  Apparently these latest bombers were homegrown - and most of you think deportation is a bad idea...   :rolleyes:

I say deport any cleric who spouts hate and terror and deport his congregation as well.  That would be a step in the right direction.
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London hit by terrorist attack?
« Reply #62 on: July 13, 2005, 12:42:03 PM »
Originally posted by Ghettomath
No Giga, one would be a racist to do so. When you go into the city, do you watch all black people closely because you think you are going to get robbed?

Get over this PC bullshit.  I work in a liquor store and every person we\'ve caught stealing was black.  Through watching videotapes and just walking around the store it\'s always a black person but you\'re telling me for watching blacks more closely I\'m racist.  :rolleyes:

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London hit by terrorist attack?
« Reply #63 on: July 13, 2005, 01:08:50 PM »
Racial profiling is neccessary in some cases but deporting them is not neccessary.

Too say that most acts of terrorism in western society is committed by people of middle eastern descent would be stupid. But you can\'t just say because an extremely small minority of people make terrorist attacks that we need to deport the whole race or religion.
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London hit by terrorist attack?
« Reply #64 on: July 13, 2005, 01:24:36 PM »
i think if there were to be another terrorist attack it would most likely be of someone of middle eastern decent. it\'s not bein racist it\'s just using common sense, especially in this day and age i would have to say that chances of the individual being middle eastern would be 95%....of course you have to be careful when sayin stuff like that tho, because many thought that oklahoma city bombing was terrorists of middle eastern decent and they weren\'t even close....

it was a group of white males part of some crazed militia group...
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London hit by terrorist attack?
« Reply #65 on: July 14, 2005, 01:23:10 PM »
Originally posted by GigaShadow
Instead of condemning the attacks - you attack me.  Go figure...  Your religion is the problem and you are a symptom of it.  If you are so moderate where is your outrage over these attacks????  That should have been your first post here - instead you cry about me wanting to deport Muslims.  

I also disagree with those in our government and country who say we shouldn\'t racially profile in regards to terrorism.  The truth is if I am on a plane with someone of Arab decent I am going to watching them more closely than any of the other passengers.  One would be a fool not to do so.  It would be like the FBI watching black people for Mafia related activity.  Absurd.


The Lord\'s Resistance Army in Uganda rapes, mutiliates, and massacres "in the name of God." The Ku Klux Klan uses Christianity to justify oppression and racism. The Salem Witch Trials and the Inquisition claimed the lives of many innocents under the guise of rooting out heresy.

"My feeling as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded only by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God\'s truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter.

"In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was his fight against the Jewish poison."

-Adolph Hitler, in a speech delivered April 12, 1922 Published in "My New Order" Quoted in "Freethought Today" April 1990.

Do you see my point? All religions have extremists. This does not mean that the religions themselves are at fault. Whether it be Christianity or Islam, extremists merely skew religion to serve their own ends. Are we to eradicate Christianity and deport all Christians because of the lunacy of a few sick minds?    

I do agree with you, Giga, in that Islam is MISGUIDED. However, Islam itself is NOT to blame. You forget that from the 7th to 11th centuries, the world saw one of history\'s greatest flowerings of art, science, and architecture under Islam. It was Muslim scholars who revived the works of the Greeks that later made the Renaissance possible. Intellectuals from distant lands gathered in Baghdad to study and discuss philosophy and medicine. Pick up a copy of A Thousand and One Nights (though I have only read the abridged version myself) to read about the wonders of that city. And for a time, people of all religions were tolerated and women had many more rights than their European counterparts. I have read that in the Koran, Christ and his apostles are held in nearly the same positions of honor that they hold in the Bible and that Mary is revered as the highest woman to have ever lived. Clearly, Islam is capable of greatness and also shares many similarities with Christianity. The only reason why Islam is in the state it is now is because of a rise in fundamentalism that accompanied centuries of corruption, war, and economic stagnation. Actually, this should be a good read for you.

Here you go:

I also agree with you, Giga, that it would be moronic to completely ignore Arabs. When I go to the airport and see Arabs in traditional garb, I can\'t help but feel apprehensive. As a possible victim of terrorism, I sometimes feel paranoid and helpless when I realize that future perpetrators may be my next door neighbors. What if I or my mother died of a terrorist attack? Would I still maintain this understanding if I were disabled because a zealot decided it would be right to take my life to further his misguided cause? But on the flip side, if I were Muslim, I would be overcome with sadness and anger if I were punished for the religious extremism of those completely unrelated to me. You say deport them all? Why go to that trouble? Why not hound them up and kill them? If American Muslims were deported to the Middle East, their likelihood of being free from misery, of being accepted into society, and even of holding on to their lives is small anyway. So yes, let\'s kill them all.

That would be the easy, but WRONG, way out. As I said before, not all Muslims are extremists. I don\'t claim to have many Muslim friends, but those I know from the hospital I volunteer in have all condemned the September 11 attacks and will surely condemn the London bombings. This country is founded on compromises, and we must not pander to one side of the spectrum. Yes, absolute deportation would greatly relieve the American mother who worries about her children being torn to bits by a Muslim suicidal attack. However, it would be unjust and greatly harm the many honest working Muslims in this country. Compromise and reconcile; as long as these extremists exist, Muslims will have to deal with being scrutinized, but Americans must also be willing to sympathize with the plight of victims on BOTH sides of the war.

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London hit by terrorist attack?
« Reply #66 on: July 14, 2005, 04:57:46 PM »
Originally posted by GigaShadow
Don\'t be so naive.  The idiots that have done all of these acts have been from the Middle East or of Middle Eastern decent.   Why don\'t you grow some and stop being so politically correct.  Of course we should watch people from the Middle East more closely - we would be foolish not to.

Profiling is essential when gathering information on suspects regarding certain crimes.  If the government is investigating organized crime - watch the Italians or Russians.  If you are looking for Islamic terrorists - watch people from the Middle East.

Take the case in Howard Beach recently where some Italian guys beat up some black guys.  The mayor of NY along with the police department were quick to label it a "hate crime".  The thing the media didn\'t publicize that much was the fact that these black guys were there to steal a car.  Sorry, but they picked the wrong neighborhood to pull off a crime.  Now if some white guys are in a black neighborhood at 3AM they are only there for one thing - drugs.  Suppose they get beat up by some blacks - I seriously doubt it would be labeled as a hate crime, but that is entirely different subject.  This is about profiling and it can be applied to both of the previous examples.  Black guys in a white neighborhood at 3 AM are trying to steal something.  White guys in a black neighborhood at 3 AM are buying drugs.  Profiling.  It works.

Political correctness is out of control and people like you who think it is racist to profile terror suspects should get a mandatory labotomy.

Why don\'t you "grow some" and look beyond your own narrow minded view?? Do you honestly think that if you deport them, there won\'t be more terrorist attacks? That\'s the most idiotic thing I have ever had the displeasure of reading on this forum. It has started. There is no turning back. If you use racial profiling to deport them / watch them, guess what? There will always be more than enough willing WHITE AMERICAN\'S who are radical muslims in hiding, that will take up the war of terror. What do you suppose we do then?

Remember this, before 9/11, when was the last big attack in the United States? Who done it? It was a White All American boy. Terrorism is not limited to radical muslims and deporting muslims in general will not stop anything.

Once again, I must point how, how I think it is pathetic that you can\'t even host a civil debate. You always have to take jabs at the members for no reason, other than you disagree with them. If you get that up in arms about it and disagree with us so bad, maybe you shouldn\'t post. At least until you can be civil about the matter.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2005, 04:59:40 PM by Living-In-Clip »

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London hit by terrorist attack?
« Reply #67 on: July 14, 2005, 09:57:58 PM »
Deporting these people won\'t help any situation.  Not to mention the majority of them here in the US haven\'t done anything to contribute to terrorism.  But I do agree with Giga, if I\'m on a plane and there is a man of middle eastern decent, you bet your sweet ass I will be watching him more closely.  It\'s not about being a racist or anything, it\'s about humans and human nature.  Just because I\'m using common sense, doesn\'t make me a racist or ignorant.  You gotta look out for number 1, that\'s the bottom line.

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London hit by terrorist attack?
« Reply #68 on: July 15, 2005, 12:15:18 AM »
Haha, in that case, I\'m going to learn Farsi just to freak people out. ^_^


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London hit by terrorist attack?
« Reply #69 on: July 15, 2005, 12:57:23 AM »
Derka derka derka, Muhammed Jihad.

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London hit by terrorist attack?
« Reply #70 on: July 15, 2005, 04:25:53 AM »
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Offline GigaShadow
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London hit by terrorist attack?
« Reply #71 on: July 15, 2005, 04:40:22 AM »
Originally posted by Living-In-Clip
Why don\'t you "grow some" and look beyond your own narrow minded view?? Do you honestly think that if you deport them, there won\'t be more terrorist attacks? That\'s the most idiotic thing I have ever had the displeasure of reading on this forum. It has started. There is no turning back. If you use racial profiling to deport them / watch them, guess what? There will always be more than enough willing WHITE AMERICAN\'S who are radical muslims in hiding, that will take up the war of terror. What do you suppose we do then?

Remember this, before 9/11, when was the last big attack in the United States? Who done it? It was a White All American boy. Terrorism is not limited to radical muslims and deporting muslims in general will not stop anything.

Once again, I must point how, how I think it is pathetic that you can\'t even host a civil debate. You always have to take jabs at the members for no reason, other than you disagree with them. If you get that up in arms about it and disagree with us so bad, maybe you shouldn\'t post. At least until you can be civil about the matter.

I tend to ignore your babble as it is on par with Mystiq - just not as crude.  You can\'t address an issue without making it personal it seems...  I am starting to feel like Karl Rove... :rolleyes:  

LIC, if you don\'t like what I post - ignore it.  The last time I checked you weren\'t a mod here and if you continue with your attacks on me I will delete your posts as they are just whining from a person who still can\'t get over the fact that I am a mod. :crying:  Where are you when Ghettomath and Mystiq spout their insults????  Silent as usual.  Consider this your last warning on the matter.  You claim to want to clean up the insults, but you blindly ignore the most visible violaters including your whiny self.  

The fact is the UK has let these people into their country for years and have allowed to preach their hatred unchecked.  You think I am idiotic for advocating deportation?  

After the events of 7/7 the UK is looking at deportation as an option in dealing with radical Islam.  We in the US have that policy - idiotic isn\'t it? :rolleyes:

Then again the UK could always release the Soccer Hooligans on them:


To follow up on the events that happened in the UK - it seems these people were "home grown" and didn\'t look like a "terrorist".  How are you going to root these people out LIC?  As I said deport these clerics who spout Jihad and hatred and deport anyone who listens to their nonsense.  

You still haven\'t offered a viable solution to this, but instead whine about my posts... while claiming you want serious debate and not insults.  :rolleyes:
« Last Edit: July 15, 2005, 04:51:32 AM by GigaShadow »
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London hit by terrorist attack?
« Reply #72 on: July 15, 2005, 07:23:41 AM »
One thing that has come out of this that makes me laugh is that the serveillance cameras are helping the cops by leaps and bounds in finding these guys fast as shit.

They still haven\'t cought the guy who bombed the olympics in Atlanta 10 years ago.

And people whine all the time about big brother watching blah blah blah.  You\'d never get a picture of the bomber that sharp here in the states.
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London hit by terrorist attack?
« Reply #73 on: July 15, 2005, 07:29:04 AM »
Originally posted by videoholic
One thing that has come out of this that makes me laugh is that the serveillance cameras are helping the cops by leaps and bounds in finding these guys fast as shit.

They still haven\'t cought the guy who bombed the olympics in Atlanta 10 years ago.

And people whine all the time about big brother watching blah blah blah.  You\'d never get a picture of the bomber that sharp here in the states.

Actually they did find the guy that bombed the Atlanta Olympics - Eric Rudolph - who was also responsible for other bombings throughout the south.

I agree that cameras work wonders and the US is working towards that.  Unfortunately our infrastructure is so large, it will take some time for every major city to be covered.
\"The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.\"  - Churchill
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London hit by terrorist attack?
« Reply #74 on: July 15, 2005, 07:35:45 AM »
Originally posted by videoholic
One thing that has come out of this that makes me laugh is that the serveillance cameras are helping the cops by leaps and bounds in finding these guys fast as shit.

They still haven\'t cought the guy who bombed the olympics in Atlanta 10 years ago.

And people whine all the time about big brother watching blah blah blah.  You\'d never get a picture of the bomber that sharp here in the states.

i agree with you there,..but i do disagree with you on the fact that you can\'t get good surveillance camera\'s here...i remember not too long ago on the news there was this woman that got stabbed in the village part of nyc,...those surveillance cameras mounted strategically on buildings caught the perps that did it in clear picture quality...

now i have seen those cameras that are in those 24 hr grocery spots, and the quality on those things are crap. you might as well not have a camera in there at all or just put it up there as a front....everything is all fuzz with those crappy cameras...
« Last Edit: July 15, 2005, 07:36:55 AM by clips »
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