hahahaha CGI movies is the last thing that comes to my mind when Im thinking about what devs could do with BR. good one . I dont even want to see CGI no more, considering how good the graphics are now.
I\'m excited about BR because now, even in a Final Fantasy game, every single word can be spoken, GT can have 1000+ cars and 100 tracks, and developers can model worlds/cities tens of miles in diameter.
Yeah, right.
Live in fantasy world, boy.
Let\'s see, developer costs are out of the roof as of now, can you imagine if they done what you are wanting? It is just like everyone said the MS HD would be great because it would allow streaming for textures and all this great stuff - know what happened with it? Nothing really. It was used for downloadable content and patches.. In Blu-Ray\'s case, it\'ll be used for more CGI cut scenes and most importantly, it\'ll be used as a trojan horse for Sony in the HD battle, nothing more.

@ 1000+ cars!