Compression techniques get better all the time. Who says that GT4 was entirely efficient as far as taking up space?
The article is totally fair, it\'s based on fact. You stating that GT5 will NEED blu-ray is speculation.
Compression? I don\'t want anything compressed. That\'s why I bought a true 720p monitor. Not something that will compress or upscale a signal to 1280x720. Having to compress data is a sign that they need more room. And I have no doubts GT5 will need much more than 10GBs. I\'ll be sure to get back with you when it does.
Totally missing some crucial details I\'ve already laid out. DVD had MANY benefits over VHS. Relatively, HD-DVD/Blu-Ray has very few benefits. Nevermind people have to buy a HDTV to enjoy it. I know many people who have perfectly working SDTVs and won\'t buy another TV until they have to.
Trying to get back on topic...the arguement was whether DVD\'s are adequate for this generation of gaming. Where is the proof that it\'s not?
Check out the stores, SDTV\'s are being pushed to the back and HDTVs and flat panels are now up front. In 7 years I doubt SDTVs will take up 10% of store space.
Sure, most games won\'t need the extra space. But it IS NOT adequate for all the developers. Some have already griped about the xbox DVD situation. Sure, they can fit their games on the DVD if they would like to, but going against what the article says, it WILL hold back their creativity. In the end, you will enjoy games just as fine on XBOX 360 as I will on PS3, I will just get more FMV, higher rez etc...oh and High Def movie playback. Thank you very much.