Unjust war? How so? Iraq violated UN Security Council Resolutions. 4000 Americans killed. It is war and it is an all volunteer military - in 5 years that is not a huge amount compared to other wars.
Please...right after 9/11 bush focused soley on iraq,..he was even more focused on iraq than afghanastan.....the sanctions was keepin\' saddam in check,...there was no need for regime change....trust,..i wanted some revenge too after 911, but goin\' after saddam was the wrong thing to do...the u.s. clearly looked like a bully in the eyes of the world, and we were...
I have no clue what you are babbling about in regards to the embassy in Baghdad. Who cares?
Hmmm...for a prez that states he only wants iraq to be secure & to govern itself so we can leave, don\'t you think having a massive 600 billion dollar embassy in their country says otherwise?...
Strained relationships with Europe? Once again who cares? Do they pay taxes here? Do they vote here? Who will they come crying to if the shit hits the fan?
So you think for the rest of eternity that the u.s, will be able to handle it\'s problems on it\'s own?.....let\'s not have amnesia all of a sudden,.when s**t started to hit the fan in iraq..*around the time when the insurgents was draggin\' u.s. soldiers in tha streets and cuttin people\'s heads off*.....bush went back to u.n. and asked for help from those same countries that he told "we\'ll go it alone"....you and i both know that the u.s. cannot handle another iraq situation anytime soon,..the u.s. military is strained because of the recklessness of this president. And this is a guy with "experience"...:rolleyes:...strong relationships are needed by all countries to combat the people that want to harm us all...any other type of thinking is flawed logic..
No, learn to read clips - McCain blasted him for going to Europe and acting like the President. Not for going to Iraq or Afghanistan. Was the trip to Europe necessary? No. Was it in bad taste to meet with foreign heads of state? Yes.
He\'s acting presidential??....wow,..are you serious?...when we take a look at both Obama & McCain you never said to yourself.."yeah i can see McCain being the president... he has the poise & demeanor of a prez".<---- i don\'t think McCain does imo but i\'m just sayin.....So now that "Obama wants to beef up his international & foreign policy skills, now he\'s looking TOO presidential?...you\'re unbelievable.....he wants to look presidential in the eyes of the american public and across the world since McCain & crew stated that he has no experience.
But since he\'s been recieving so much high praise in iraq & europe McCain & crew have been acting jealous...crying and saying.."it\'s not fair i don\'t receive the same amount of coverage as Obama"...i say to McCain...just be careful what you wish for...he ragged on Obama for months about iraq, and when he finally goes he whines about it....pathetic....so what if he meets with other leaders?...he\'s making it known to McCain and to the world, that he\'s ready to step up to the plate on an international level, and if that makes him look presidential, then i say "mission accomplished", because he\'ll only gain more respect by his critics and the american public by doing so...
clips - stop avoiding my one question: What great visions and ideas does Obama have? You keep ducking it. You keep referring to them, yet I really am starting to believe you don\'t know of any... oh wait - he is black! That\'s it!
I answered that already, but you seem to be ducking my question....i asked you to list what qualifies your boy McCain to be prez,..and you never answered that,..if you put out a list..i\'ll surf the net to find Obama\'s ...but since McCain is older like i already stated, his resume is going to be longer,...older doesn\'t always means wiser btw...