True, but when you take away his teleprompter he is an complete disaster. Most other Presidents could actually speak publicly in front of the nation sans a teleprompter and not look like a complete fool, I\'m still waiting for that moment from Obama.
He isn\'t a bad speaker without the teleprompter. I thought he did a decent job without it. Sometimes I feel like he is doing too much with press conferences. I think it would be better if he reduce the amount of press conferences so he has more time to handle other issues or has more time to relax every once in a while.
When it comes to politics and Economics talk, I think he did an okay at it without the teleprompter. Its would be hard to remember all those specific details about economy, political, and technology when giving speeches without paper in hand or a teleprompter. But when it comes to normal conversation, he talks normally just like every normal person could.
I think our previous president actually did worst with public speeches than Obama did. Have you seen how often Bush messed up his speeches even when he has paper in hand ready? I think Bush struggle more with giving speeches than Obama did. Bush seems uncomfortable, and nervous around people and because of those problems he has, it makes him really awkward socializing and interacting with other people even by just having normal conversation. Because of his awkwardness around people, it might make some people took it the wrong way and might turn people off.
Sometimes I wonder that\'s quite strange indeed since Bush was born from a wealthy family, and I think he probably raised up well by both parents, and it\'s strange that he has speech problems and being awkward around people. Its not like he was raised from a poor family with single parent that neglect him or if he was isolated most of his childhood life or something. But who knows what his childhood life was like growing up.
I wouldn\'t be surprised if Bush\'s father is a better speaker and better at interacting with other than Bush is. Simply because his father doesn\'t have the anxiety or nervousness or uncomfortable around people that Bush has.
I think another thing about Bush is he lack the charismatic appearance or speech for that matter that Obama has. I think that part of the reason that Obama gain a lot of respects and impressions from other wherever he go to. Like go to this country talking to this leader or that country\'s leader whether its political or normal conversation.