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Author Topic: PS2 : for worse times...  (Read 6847 times)

Offline IronFist
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PS2 : for worse times...
« Reply #60 on: September 19, 2001, 02:28:41 PM »
Originally posted by Watchdog
Bah, net polls mean nothing at all.  It\'s a game with nothign new, but like I said in my last post, that isn\'t going to affect anything anymore.

What more do you want?  Why can\'t you accept that the hardcore fans loved TTT?  I am a hardcore Tekken player.  I\'ve played Tekken since Tekken 1.  I loved TTT.  That says it all.  (BTW, the score is now 11 to 0)

Releasing dev tools does make it easier to develop for a system, but it also limits the amount of power that you can tap from it.  Saturn had an assortment of tools that skilled devs didn\'t use.  DC had the MS os that produced mostly crappy games.  Dev tools are an imperfect solution to a complex problem.

Developers can choose to use the tools and make a great looking game easily.  Or they can choose not to use the tools and make a brilliant looking game not so easily.  It is all up to the developers.  I don\'t see a problem here.

"In two years from now, the Xbox, NGC, and PS2 will probably be on equal grounds in terms of programming simplicity. The programming difficulty won\'t be a factor then."

But this isn\'t the case.   Right now dev teams are struggling to figure out ways to get their through put  to respectable levels.  But even when the devs figure it out, a new game is a new game, they are like organic entities in a way--unique challenges with unique solutions.  Therefore, while the prior knowledge will definately help it will not solve their problems.  Also, because of the untraditional archetecture of the PS2 devs have to rethink every project that they do.  With conventional systems, coding for multiple consoles is relatively simple but the PS2 will take a very time intensive process of rethinking.  Even when all this is done, it still will take longer for teams to publish their games because of the obsticles of the PS2 hardware.

How stupid do you think developers are?  Don\'t you think their way of thinking will be able to change in two whole years from now?

And let\'s not even speak of the RAM issues...

If you knew more about the PS2\'s architecture, you would realize that the PS2 doesn\'t have a RAM problem if used correctly.  I found this quote from here.

"This unit is responsible for rasterizing an input stream of primitives. The GS has a dedicated 4M of embedded (on-chip) DRAM for storing frame buffers, Z buffer and textures. This embedded DRAM makes the GS incredibly quick at both polygon setup and fill rate operations. The GS supports points (dots), triangles, strips, fans, lines and poly-line and decals (sprites). Fast DMA also allows for textures to be reloaded several times within a frame."

That last line says it all.

Also, the xbox has a harddrive (for better or worse)
A harddrive is not needed to make a great console game.
and a modem and four joystick ports.

Hmmm.  Kind of reminds me of the Dreamcast for some odd reason.  Please remind me, how many 4 player games did the Dreamcast have?
These are costly addons that we have to purchase right now.  Only a fraction the game community buy addons (I forget the figure but it is miniscule) let alone extra joysticks!  Therfore are these addons aren\'t always going to be considered by devs when developing a game.

Yet Timesplitters, TTT, DOA2, Madden, and TM:B (as well as quite a few other sports games) still support 4 players.  If developers want their game to be four players, they will make it four players even if everyone who buys their game doesn\'t have 4 controllers, a multitap, and 3 people to play against/with.

Right now devs are onboard because really the PS2 is the only viable system, but like I said if either of the other systems succeed (and it is reasonable to suggest that at least one will) the PS2 will face a tough challenge.  Stick it out with the PS2 or go with a platform that offers a familiar architecture so you can spend less time fighting with the metal and more time realizing your vision.

By the looks of things, Sony has nothing to worry about.  Check out the latest NGC launch day sales.  Click Here.  You may think that when the NGC gets a Mario game or a Zelda game, its sales will sky rocket.  I agree those games will help, but I really doubt it will be enough for developers to abandon the PS2.  Sony sold 15 million consoles in about a year and a half when it was competing against nobody.  It will be a lot harder for the NGC or Xbox to catch up when each of them is competing with two other systems.  It is going to be a lot harder for other systems to catch up than you may be thinking.

You make a valid point that EA, and other companies (SEGA, Acclaim, etc) will make games for all systems, but the problem is that small innovativestudios cannot always afford to publish to all platforms.  Who are they going to chose (disregarding buyouts)?

Chances are the Xbox will get most newcomers.  This will help the Xbox, but it won\'t hurt the PS2 enough to make a dent in its sales.
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Offline Zolar
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PS2 : for worse times...
« Reply #61 on: September 19, 2001, 03:31:32 PM »
Will the PS2 become another Saturn-(I don\'t think so Sucka!).  Will X Box sell well?-(Very uncertain).  I do compare my Dreamcast games to PS2, and to be honest without being a fan boy.  I have to say I am quite dissappointed in the Graphics department.  For example Lemans for PS2 Vs Test Drive Lemans for Dreamcast.  The Dreamcast version looks better.  The Port of Crazy Taxi for PS2 was quite poor compared to the Dreamcast.  Hell I expected Resident Evil:Code Veronica to blow away the Dreamcast version, and it looks worse-it has extra CG\'s but big deal.  On the other hand DOA2 looks slightly better than the DC.  But that\'s what I\'m trying to say.  Remember way back when Lucas was saying the Graphics for PS2 will look like the effects seen in Phantom Menace.  I have yet to see this, but Sony has experience in this field and will be #1.  X Box has no experience, it will be harder to sell, but then again way back Sony had no experience and look how many millions of PS1\'s were sold.  Expect to fork out alot of cash for X Box!  If you like FPS and strategy, and fighting games, this system may well rock big time.  It\'s hard to say at this point.

I think it\'s time for Sony to get off the filthy rich fat asses and find ways to tap into PS2\'s mighty power!  The other consoles are coming into the war, so lets give them a fight!!:evil:

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PS2 : for worse times...
« Reply #62 on: September 19, 2001, 03:44:42 PM »
As A little bit of an insite into this "PS2 is hard to program for" argument, I\'ve got a little fact for you.
Did you know that there are only 12 people working on BG: DA?
thats right 12. 9 artists and 3 encoders.
*sarcasm on*Gee It Must Be So HARD to Program For *sarcasm off*
I pitty the poor foo
who disses my PS2

Offline IronFist
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PS2 : for worse times...
« Reply #63 on: September 19, 2001, 04:11:44 PM »
Originally posted by Zolar
I have to say I am quite dissappointed in the Graphics department.  For example Lemans for PS2 Vs Test Drive Lemans for Dreamcast.  The Dreamcast version looks better.  The Port of Crazy Taxi for PS2 was quite poor compared to the Dreamcast.  Hell I expected Resident Evil:Code Veronica to blow away the Dreamcast version, and it looks worse-it has extra CG\'s but big deal.  On the other hand DOA2 looks slightly better than the DC.  But that\'s what I\'m trying to say.

All direct ports from other systems to the PS2 look like trash.  The architecture is way too different to be able to do a direct port.  The PS2 is taking future technology in a new direction, so I think it\'s a price worth paying.  We don\'t want ports anyways. ;)

Mr T., thanks for that info.  LOL.  That is really funny.  One of the best looking games on the PS2 was made with a tiny 12 person developement team.
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PS2 : for worse times...
« Reply #64 on: September 19, 2001, 05:10:26 PM »
Hey, if the PS2 is so easy to develop for, then why the **** do Xbox and NGC games kick living **** out of PS2 in the graphics department? Answer-because they\'re simply more powerful. PS2 is a flawed piece of technology, whether you can bring yourself to admit it or not. It will never surpass the graphics of Xbox and NGC. Never. Just play your games and stop worrying about graphics already.

Originally posted by fastson
Good \'ol fanboys..

faston, you\'ll never be in a position where you can call someone a fanboy and get away with it. Please, go back to worshiping your PS2 now and stop with this non-sense.

Why can\'t you accept that the hardcore fans loved TTT?

Hardcore Tekken fans will buy anything with Tekken on it and pretend they love it. Duh. Your not proving or accomplishing anything by saying HC Tekken fans enjoyed TTT. .

Offline Watchdog
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PS2 : for worse times...
« Reply #65 on: September 19, 2001, 06:08:19 PM »
Finally some support, even though he hates PS2 I\'ll take it.

Yeah, dev team of 12 to do a slow paced RPG--tell me when the graphical abilities are pushed--you idiot.  This isn\'t a FPS or a flight sim or anything that requires heavy processing.  That\'s why they have 12 artists, because the coding doesn\'t have to account for a massive amout of floating operations.  Next time you try to appear to be smart don\'t argue about something you know nothing about.  BG is a slow (albeit great game) that is less on processing power and more on visuals.

Another thing, web polls mean nothing because of exactly what jumpman says.  Those aren\'t hardcore players those are fanboys.

Yes devs can use the tools and get access to even LESS power--that seems like a good idea.  Or they can code as they are and endure long dev cycles and frustrating coding.  No coders aren\'t stupid, but the engineers that designed the PS2 are.  Experience will help, certainly, but not to the point where developing for the PS2 will be anywhere near as easy as developing for the xbox.  If you knew anything about the process you would be able to see this.  It just takes more of everything to get the same effects.  More of everything takes longer.  Also yes the PS2 can "mimic" surround sound, it si not true surround, but it is a reasonable facsimily--the difference is that it\'s going to take cycles off the cpu to accomplish that while the xbox and gc (surround capable systems) can do it directly off of their sound cards.

And whoever said that crap about streaming off the CD--yes you\'ve just fell for the newest piece of crap marketing by Sony.  DOn\'t feel badly, I fell for the "emotion engine".  It\'s marketing to try and cover their limitations.  If a ridiculous 4mb of ram were enough why do workstations need 1000s of megs?  WHy not use this incredibly cheap and efficient way of streaming?  WOuld save lots of money right?  Sure, but you wouldn\'t get **** out of it.  Because it doesn\'t work.  It\'s marketing jargon that gets people to believe that  their system is the best around.

Again, I\'m not nearly as set against the PS2 as I may seem, but this kind of ignorance is annoying.  No one here is willing to play the devil\'s advocate so I\'m doing so.
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PS2 : for worse times...
« Reply #66 on: September 19, 2001, 06:55:20 PM »
When the graphics get good enough by the other systems where ports towards PS2 result in major decrease in some areas of gameplay or graphics, come talk to me, PS2 graphics are fine

*hides DOA2. Quake III, and Unreal Tournament*


but I wish more developers would use GC and X-Box to there fullest and not use as much or more money making PS2 games that could result in being less than imagined.

Eric Jacob
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PS2 : for worse times...
« Reply #67 on: September 19, 2001, 08:48:21 PM »
Im sorry but this is getting stupid.... no wait a sec, its already stupid.

The PS2 is a good gaming platform. It is harder to program for then most of the other consoles. It will get eiser to program for over time.

Yeah, dev team of 12 to do a slow paced RPG--tell me when the graphical abilities are pushed--you idiot. This isn\'t a FPS or a flight sim or anything that requires heavy processing. That\'s why they have 12 artists, because the coding doesn\'t have to account for a massive amout of floating operations. Next time you try to appear to be smart don\'t argue about something you know nothing about. BG is a slow (albeit great game) that is less on processing power and more on visuals.

Your calling me an idiot? Re-read your statement. "tell me when the graphical abilities are pushed"
 "that is less on processing power and more on visuals" ?

Have you actually looked at the spell and water effects that are used in BG : DA? they look pretty intensive to me.

And before you try and say I know nothing about coding, I do actually have experience in C\\C++ , Java, Basic, Assembly, and a few other languages,

And it doesn\'t matter how fast or slow paced a game is, you still have to encode it.

watchdog = Idiot.
I pitty the poor foo
who disses my PS2

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PS2 : for worse times...
« Reply #68 on: September 19, 2001, 09:11:50 PM »
faston, you\'ll never be in a position where you can call someone a fanboy and get away with it. Please, go back to worshiping your PS2 now and stop with this non-sense.

I don’t know if you can read.. kid.. But its spelled F A S T S O N!

Yeah.. I have my PS2 on a pedestal, with candles, flowers and all that stuff around it..

Watchdog: Why are you being so pessimistic? Its not good for you, you know.. I\'ve noticed one more thing.. You only come here to criticise PS2.. You never post in other threads..

That leads me to think you\'re really here to "bash" PS2.. Which makes me believe you don’t really own a PS2..

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Offline IronFist
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PS2 : for worse times...
« Reply #69 on: September 19, 2001, 09:33:25 PM »
Originally posted by Jumpman
Hey, if the PS2 is so easy to develop for, then why the **** do Xbox and NGC games kick living **** out of PS2 in the graphics department? Answer-because they\'re simply more powerful. PS2 is a flawed piece of technology, whether you can bring yourself to admit it or not. It will never surpass the graphics of Xbox and NGC. Never. Just play your games and stop worrying about graphics already.

Well look who finally showed up -- Mr. Asterisk Man. :)  j/k Jumpman.

The NGC and Xbox should be more powerful.  They are being released about 1 1/2 years after the PS2 was released.  Jumpman, you need to read that link that Ryu posted to see why the sentence, "It will never surpass the graphics of Xbox and NGC" is completely an oppinion thing.  The only reason I am defending the PS2 because it has a lot more power than you guys give credit for.

Hardcore Tekken fans will buy anything with Tekken on it and pretend they love it. Duh.

I don\'t see how you guys can still deny it.  If I, a hardcore Tekken player, still play TTT to this day, is it because I can\'t accept that the game really sucks?  Your logic is flawed.  I think a hardcore Tekken player would know if hardcore Tekken players like TTT more than someone who is not so hardcore (I don\'t know if you\'ve even played TTT, so I can\'t say more than "not so hardcore").

(BTW, the score is now 14 to 0.  Man, all these Tekken fanboys are really good at pretending.)

Originally posted by Watchdog
Yeah, dev team of 12 to do a slow paced RPG--tell me when the graphical abilities are pushed--you idiot.

And the name calling begins. :rolleyes:
This isn\'t a FPS or a flight sim or anything that requires heavy processing. That\'s why they have 12 artists, because the coding doesn\'t have to account for a massive amout of floating operations. Next time you try to appear to be smart don\'t argue about something you know nothing about. BG is a slow (albeit great game) that is less on processing power and more on visuals.

Edit: It looks like Mr T. beat me to this question, but I still want you to respond to it.  I am interested in seeing how much you really know.

Ok mister smart guy, please explain to me why BG takes less processing power than a flight simulator.  They both have graphics that are drawn in realtime.  They both have a sophisticated physics engine.  And while you\'re at it, please explain to me what you mean when you said "the coding doesn\'t have to account for a massive amout of floating operations."  Thanks in advance.

A 12 man team made one of the most impressive looking games on hardest to program console ever.  Maybe it isn\'t as hard as you thought for developers to change the way they think about making games.

Yes devs can use the tools and get access to even LESS power--that seems like a good idea.

Using the tools will make more of the PS2\'s power accessable to developers.  That is what they are designed to do.  Did you even read the links I posted about it?

No coders aren\'t stupid, but the engineers that designed the PS2 are.

Could you design a better console?  If the PS2 designers are stupid, than what are you?


Experience will help, certainly, but not to the point where developing for the PS2 will be anywhere near as easy as developing for the xbox. If you knew anything about the process you would be able to see this. It just takes more of everything to get the same effects. More of everything takes longer. Also yes the PS2 can "mimic" surround sound, it si not true surround, but it is a reasonable facsimily--the difference is that it\'s going to take cycles off the cpu to accomplish that while the xbox and gc (surround capable systems) can do it directly off of their sound cards.

Thats great news for the Xbox, but it doesn\'t mean anything if the Xbox doesn\'t sell well.  The Xbox will most likely flop in Japan.  Lets just hope it does better in America and Europe...

I\'m sure you don\'t want to hear my oppinion, but I think the Xbox will be a failure.  Even some of the most hardcore Xbox fanboys have said that they would wait until next spring before they bought one because thats when the online games start coming.  If there is a lack of consumers at the beginning, the developers will start to run away to the more successful consoles, i.e., NGC and PS2.

And whoever said that crap about streaming off the CD--yes you\'ve just fell for the newest piece of crap marketing by Sony.

I don\'t know what you are referring to.  If its about the quote I posted about how the PS2\'s architecture works and how it can stream in textures very fast, than you obviously didn\'t even click on the link I posted.  Just so you know, that quote was not from Sony.  It is from gamasutra.com -- a huge, well respected, game programming/technology site.

DOn\'t feel badly, I fell for the "emotion engine". It\'s marketing to try and cover their limitations. If a ridiculous 4mb of ram were enough why do workstations need 1000s of megs? WHy not use this incredibly cheap and efficient way of streaming? WOuld save lots of money right? Sure, but you wouldn\'t get **** out of it. Because it doesn\'t work. It\'s marketing jargon that gets people to believe that their system is the best around.

Thanks for your oppinion, but I prefer to take the oppinions from people who actually know what they are talking about. (i.e. Gamasutra)

EDIT:  I just found this info on the Gaming Age forums.  It\'s a excerpt from the interview that IGN Insider just had with Jason Rubin (the maker of Jak and Daxter).  It pretty much backs up what I\'ve been saying this whole time.  Sure, he loves Sony to death, but don\'t let that blind you to the truth.  He obviously knows what he\'s talking about -- just look at his game. :)

IGN: What would you say are some of the biggest technical problems on the PS2 that you\'re overcoming in Jak and Daxter?

Jason Rubin: I think it\'s the same problem everybody else has with all systems. I mean we\'re overcoming memory issues, whether or not you\'re 40MB, which is effectively what the PS2 has, and after you add up all the little pieces you\'re at 64MB. We\'re not talking about a five-time memory advantage that the Xbox has. We\'re talking about, you know, a few more megs. We\'re always going to have memory issues, so we\'re overcoming those. We\'re overcoming the data management issue of how do you get 50 million polygons to 100 million polygons worth of
background geometry, modeled, and actually textured and lit and actually in the game. That\'s a much bigger task than dealing with a small amount of texture RAM. That problem is gone in like, you know, a week or two weeks of work. So, I\'d easily have the hardware be five times harder if we can make the actual game itself half as easy; you know, half as hard to make. It just doesn\'t work that way unfortunately, the game itself is far harder than the hardware. So we\'ve overcome the standard slew of issues, but I don\'t think those are any different issues than you\'re going to have on any other hardware.
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Offline BizioEE

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PS2 : for worse times...
« Reply #70 on: September 20, 2001, 12:25:37 AM »
Originally posted by Mr T.
As A little bit of an insite into this "PS2 is hard to program for" argument, I\'ve got a little fact for you.
Did you know that there are only 12 people working on BG: DA?
thats right 12. 9 artists and 3 encoders.
*sarcasm on*Gee It Must Be So HARD to Program For *sarcasm off*

Q : So, would you say that the PS2 almost demands large resources from developers in order to create truly ground-breaking titles? In other words, are the days of tiny start-up development teams gone?

Criterion : Not necessarily. We have achieved some truly stunning results with small teams of six or seven guys working out some ideas. I think a tiny start-up with a great game, and access to a PS2 development kit could just about make it. But they would have to be pretty talented.
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PS2 : for worse times...
« Reply #71 on: September 20, 2001, 04:57:05 AM »
Goodness Gracious !:eek:  This thread has grown HUGE, while I was away for only 2 days ! I read all you ppls posts, so I\'m gonna say this ; I\'m just going to enjoy my PS2. I am really hyped for SH2, Ace Combat 4, Onimusha 2, MGS2 and lotsa other PS2 games. I think those games will smack me in the face and say \'See, PS2 CAN deliver the goods !\'.
But to conclude all this, some tips for any Sony ppl who are listening :

- graphics are getting better, but do something please to clean em up; poly count etc is good, but do something about them jaggies and blurriness.

- please make the PS2 more cheap. The system is still too expensive in big parts of the world.

That would help, thank You.

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PS2 : for worse times...
« Reply #72 on: September 20, 2001, 06:53:56 AM »
Originally posted by Knotter8
Goodness Gracious !:eek:  This thread has grown HUGE, while I was away for only 2 days ! I read all you ppls posts, so I\'m gonna say this ; I\'m just going to enjoy my PS2. I am really hyped for SH2, Ace Combat 4, Onimusha 2, MGS2 and lotsa other PS2 games. I think those games will smack me in the face and say \'See, PS2 CAN deliver the goods !\'.
But to conclude all this, some tips for any Sony ppl who are listening :

- graphics are getting better, but do something please to clean em up; poly count etc is good, but do something about them jaggies and blurriness.

- please make the PS2 more cheap. The system is still too expensive in big parts of the world.

That would help, thank You.


*sniff* You made your papa very happy.. Now I can get some sleep :D

Wise choice Knotter me lad!
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PS2 : for worse times...
« Reply #73 on: September 20, 2001, 07:10:52 AM »
Originally posted by Jumpman
Hey, if the PS2 is so easy to develop for, then why the **** do Xbox and NGC games kick living **** out of PS2 in the graphics department? Answer-because they\'re simply more powerful. PS2 is a flawed piece of technology, whether you can bring yourself to admit it or not. It will never surpass the graphics of Xbox and NGC. Never. Just play your games and stop worrying about graphics already.

faston, you\'ll never be in a position where you can call someone a fanboy and get away with it. Please, go back to worshiping your PS2 now and stop with this non-sense.

Hardcore Tekken fans will buy anything with Tekken on it and pretend they love it. Duh. Your not proving or accomplishing anything by saying HC Tekken fans enjoyed TTT. .

Just a simple question jumpman?  What games on xbox and gamecube blow away gt3, FFX, TTT, MGS2, DMC, J & D, Silent Hill2, , and RR5 graphically?  Just a simple question.  As for tekken it considered on of the greatest series ever to me.  Oh I forgot nintendo fans last gen just had SSB to play thats right.  Other crappy fighting games like mk4, wargods, dark rift, deadly arts.  So they wouldn\'t know a real fighting game if it was in there hands.:alien: :alien: :alien: :alien:
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PS2 : for worse times...
« Reply #74 on: September 20, 2001, 07:55:11 AM »
I only called him an idiot because he essencially did the same thing with his little sarcasm act.

BG takes less processing power because of the nature of the game.  It\'s not a true 3d game, it\'s like Diablo (an isometric view with a locked camera).  The characters and enemies are small (almost top down actually), the action isn\'t nearly as fast paced as a FPS so there is less demand on the cpu.  It\'s been a while since I\'ve done this so it may not be perfect (if after this you are still not satisfied I\'ll pull out my notes). In a 3d world there are so many more variables and calculations that must be done in order to get everything looking correct in your world.  Biquadratic Mapping is a calculation used to shape and size textures on the x and y axis (for our purposes this is sufficient).  This allows objects to properly scale (ie far away enemies appear smaller); however another calculation must be done to properly calculate the depth (Progressive mapping).  In a 2d world programmers use at technique called RDC to keep track on objects on an essencially flat surface.  This isn\'t sufficient for 3d because of the extra coordinate needed (z).  This is a very old technique that I\'m sure is not even used anymore, but any post-secondary 3d math class you take will start you with these fundamentals.  In BG entities aren\'t resized, scaled or drawn from an almost infinate number of angles because the camera is fixed in an isometric view.  There is no user controlled floating camera that gives complete freedom to the user.  The Devs had to take into account one viewpoint and go from there. Just look at the difference with Diablo 2 and any FPS.  Why do you need so much more power to run a FPS?  Well, I\'ve explained only a fraction of the reasons.  Water effects look good, but you can only view them from one angle, one perspective.  Don\'t get me wrong this game is going to rock, but this is not a game that is incredible taxing on a cpu (relative to a FPS).

Okay, floating point operations are the way a cpu (in conjunction with ram) handles complex and very high or very low (even non-integers) numbers (during calculations); geometric lighting on complex archeticeture is one example. Floaing Point refers the the decimal point that obviously moves depending on the calculation.  These numbers (usually there are billions in a 3D world) can result in a terrible hit to the CPU--which is why the PS2 has a dedicated processor to handle FPOs.  This is most used for 3d calculations--which is why only a few years ago computers were crying out in pain during the time that new (at the time) 3d games emerged.  Previously, FPOs weren\'t needed as much as they are now.  MMX was the first instruction set to address this issue (but really it didn\'t work that well).  Enter 3d accelleration.  Because FPOs are incredibly important to today\'s games (read 3D) the PS2 has a processor dedicated only to FPO.

Like I said I could go into much more detail, but  there really isn\'t any need.

"Using the tools will make more of the PS2\'s power accessable to developers. That is what they are designed to do. Did you even read the links I posted about it?"

Yes I read it, but again that is not the case.  This same site was extolling the virtues of the PS2 archetecture before it was released.  They get information, and they print it.  You will NEVER get full power out of any hardware if you use development tools.  These tools are designed to help people get around the rough edges of the PS2.  "Working from the metal" is the only way to take advantage of the true power of the PS2.  That\'s why onlyu SEGA could get the most out of the Saturn, because they knew the machine and knew how to develop for it. 3rd parties either used dev tools or tried to work from the metal with varying degrees of success (but never reaching the success of SEGA themselves.)

"Could you design a better console? If the PS2 designers are stupid, than what are you? "

No I couldn\'t design a better console moron.  I\'m not an engineer.  But the good people at MS and Nintendo can and have.  What an absolutely ridiculous thing to say.

Thats great news for the Xbox, but it doesn\'t mean anything if the Xbox doesn\'t sell well. The Xbox will most likely flop in Japan. Lets just hope it does better in America and Europe...

Can\'t argue there.  The xbox needs to sell.  It may flop in Japan, but who knows.  I think it was a wise move to delay the launch.  There are still rumblings that Square is talking to MS.  IF that happens and MG gets a release anything can happen in the land of the rising sun.

I\'m sure you don\'t want to hear my oppinion, but I think the Xbox will be a failure. Even some of the most hardcore Xbox fanboys have said that they would wait until next spring before they bought one because thats when the online games start coming. If there is a lack of consumers at the beginning, the developers will start to run away to the more successful consoles, i.e., NGC and PS2.

Your opinion is valid.  Hardcore fanboys have already preordered every xbox available for launch.  A hardcore fanboy wouldn\'t wait for a year to buy a system.  These initial preorders are a good sign.  Right now there is no reason to think that the xbox can\'t succeed.  They have atleast three good launch games (DOA, Munch and Halo--IGN).  Anything can happen.

Yes, and where does Gamasutra.com -- a huge, well respected, game programming/technology site, get its press releases from?  This is just a press release and we heard about it before the PS2 launched and are still hearing about it, but never seeing the results. They report the news they get, just like IGN or NextGen or CNN.  They get news they report it.  It doesn\'t mean anything.  They reported on the "seemingly limitless power" of the PS2 before it launched.  Where is this power now?  They just report the news.

Yes that is from Naughty Dog--a PS2 exclusive developer (Im pretty sure).  What did you expect?  Even if they aren\'t exclusive, I can find any number of quotes from many other companies and individuals that hate the xbox archetecture.  What is this going to proove?

And no I do not only bash the PS2.  I could easily say you only praise it.  I offer my opinion on what I have played and seen.
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