soully, what people like and what is good cinema ARE OFTEN TWO DIFFERENT THINGS!
i\'ve been saying this, ad nauseam
and your macdonalds analogies make no sense. now, if someone ate at many different fast food chains (burger king/wendy\'s/jack in the box), and then decided macdonalds was the best (or worst), then what do we have?
a frickin comparison! :eek:
sigh, i never said anyone is wrong for not liking certain movies
there is a problem, however, with not recognizing good cinema, and claiming a pop culture movie as such
as long as we can all agree that "glitter" isn\'t good cinema (or at best, is a piece of shit), then everything is right with the world (sorry #racer#)
oh, and another thing, in what way, does watching a certain movie, make another movie less good!
It might not be original, but it doesn\'t make it less enjoyable!
i meant no disrespect bro, but please, i beg a few of the films i listed, and perhaps you\'ll see what i\'m pleading. you might realize that hollywood has been in a steady decline for the past 20 years. you\'ll recognize these fast food movies that they puke on us. you might be inclined to visit an independant theatre and watch a foreign film that doesnt include shooting people, or high speed car chases, or big explosions