Originally posted by cloud345
Maybe you don\'t understand. Allah Is Arabic for god. So when a Arab says Allah they are literally saying "The God"
What is this? Could the Quran itself be calling Allah by him? GIVING HIM A GENDER?!?!?!? :o
No, actually Allah in Arabic means "God is great" So when an Arab says Allah, they are saying "God is great"
And like I have said. ALLAH is the PERSONAL name of God. When Christians say "God" they are not calling "God" by his name.
And about your second quote:
"Hassan says: "No, He does not have a gender. Although Allah created everything, both the seen and the unseen, it is very clear from the Qur\'an that He is unique and unlike his creation. His creatures have gender, e.g., male and female but Allah does not. Nor should it be assumed that because Allah refers to Himself as \'He\' in the Qur\'an that this is a gender as in Human gender. Incidentally in the Qur\'an Allah also refers to Himself as \'I\' and \'We\'. "
http://www.islam4schools.com/s-Allah.htmIt\'s like when there is a group of girls and boys and we call them "guys", get it?
Originally posted by cloud345
Trinity- The Father, The Son and The Holy Ghost.
Holy Ghost-(debatable) I was looking for what the holy ghost really was and I couldn\'t accually find an exact description of it, most sites said it is the Working force of God.
Don\'t take the holy sirit and the father as being two different people, or two parts of god. They are the same thing.
They are three different entities that form ONE GOD.
"Trinity - fundamental doctrine in Christianity, by which God is considered as existing in three persons. While the doctrine is not explicitly taught in the New Testament, early Christian communities testified to a perception that Jesus was God in the flesh; the idea of the Trinity has been inferred from the Gospel of St. John. The developed doctrine of the Trinity purports that God exists in three coequal and coeternal elements—God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit "
http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/society/A0849427.htmlOriginally posted by cloud345
How does their history not agree. All three religions are extremely similar. Abraham, Moses, Jesus and others all play significant roles in all three religions. In all three God is the one and only god and there is no other. He created everything and always has been.
What don\'t you get? Gos is Allah. Allah is God. In Arabic Al means-The and illah means- God. Together is Allah or "The God". Christians, Jews and Muslims are people of the book. You know why? Because they all believe in the same God! The reason we say god and they say Allah is a language difference.
Yes they all play an important role...BUT TO A DIFFERENT DEGREE. Refer to my post to Gman.
Originally posted by cloud345
It seems like your arguing against the Quran and other Mulsims, cause that is where I am getting all of my information from. I am taking my information from a person of the belief and the book they follow and you are taking yours from a randomn priest from california. I learned what i learned from textbooks and school, I don\'t know where you learned what you learned. You keep saying the same thing over and over when I have clearly proven you wrong.
GOD IS ALLAH AND ALLAH IS GOD. End of discussion.
Asserting that you are correct is no proper way to end a discussion. You have not proven me wrong. You have just decided to skim over the deeper problem with your comment. Check my links for my sources.
http://groups.msn.com/MuslimsaroundtheWorld/faqaboutislam.msnwCan Jesus, or Mohammed peace be upon them be worshipped?
No, Allah does not accept that a cow, a person, an angel, a prophet, a stone, or anything be worshipped in place of him, or even along with Him. Worship must be to Allah the creator of them.
Is there a trinity in Islam?
No. Allah is perfect.
Do we believe that Allah created the heavens and earth in 6 days?
Yes, but He did not rest on the seventh day, because He did not get tired. Allah is perfect He does not get tired, nor does He sleep, eat, go to the bathroom, feel pain, or die for that matter.