i was with you a bit in a sense that all discrimination is the same no-matter what it is..color age etc....my thing is that i\'ve never pulled that "you don\'t understand card to get what i want"....it\'s just that, yea we\'ve all been treated unfairly at some point and time just for being teenagers, but again you\'ve never been pulled over soley for the color of your skin...there\'s just no other way to put it....as far as me pulling a "woe is me"...you couldn\'t be farther from the truth...i don\'t want to make my story sound like a fairy tale,...but i grew up in the projects of newark,nj....graduated high school went to a 1 year technical school....raised my kids in the projects and busted my ass to get them out of that situation, *a scenario where you heard gunshots on the reg, especially in the summertime* moved to piscataway nj...
saved my money and bought a brand new crib in georgia and i have three vehicles in good condition.....and i did that by myself...
i hardly call that "me playin\' that card and sounding like a victim".....i was in a situation and did something about it...
+ 10
Exactly, man. But "being pulled over just because of the color of your skin" can still be applied to things other than race. Just getting your ass kicked for not being tall or just being shoved in a locker for looking like a dork or all kinds of stupid crap. People can be real A-holes, but that\'s life. Whether there is history tied to the reasoning why people act so stupid and ignorant, it\'s still all the same to me. Racism, prejudice, stereotypes...all of those things bug the crap out of me. Even if something has nothing to do with me, and someone says something racist or prejudiced, it still bugs. Everyone\'s the same inside. How someone acts, looks, whatever...none of that should matter. Human beings may be the most advanced civilization-wise, but I am starting to seriously doubt that we are the most intelligent creatures on the planet. People can be outright freaking vicious. I try and not make enemires in life and I just think everyone should be able to get along. But unfortunately, I don\'t think a world like that will ever come to be. Just try to do the best with what you got and always move forward, never back. You took your situation and did something about it...for yourself...and to give your kids a better future. A lot of people will never grow the balls to do something like that and they\'d rather blame everything else for their lack of motivation to change. "Change the things we can, accept the things we cannot, and have the wisdom to know the difference."
Oh and I know exactly what you mean about the being pulled over thing. My cousin is Filipino (his dad is Filipino and his mom is white) and he came up here for Thanksgiving and freaking got arrested. When they pulled him over, they didn\'t believe him when he told them that she was his mom. They kept making all these racist comments about Mexicans (assuming he was) even though he\'s Filipino. He ended up being in jail for a few days before going home. Freaking stupid. Meh...