Yea, i\'m kinda at the point now where if she wanted to sort things out she would have by now, or atleast given me some kind of message on the phone saying when she wants to sort shit out ( date of some sort) She\'s broken it off with me, so thats that. Pity, i only thought of this now too, i gave her
unconditional love, she gave me conditions on everything. Engagement date, when she wants to have kids by etc. Thats hardly unconditional love. She expected me to hold a promise i made to her when i was 18, which was i\'d get engaged to her at 21 if we were still together. I was f@#ken 18, i was a kid and even at 21 barely had enough cash or grounding to even think of marrage. Its only now when we finally got our house getting built was i ready to get engaged to her. I need my castle to protect my wife, if that makes any sense and i hate the idea of open engagements. They\'re bs imo. Even if we did get married at 21 - 22 etc.. What, we\'re gonna live in 2 different houses?? wtf.. She even told me on the night we broke up, that she\'d be happy if i had married her back then. A ring doesn\'t make a marrage last, the people in it do!!
I would have been happy to live in a bin with her and not cared, as long as i was with her. I guess she never really felt that way. She was to focused on her wants and needs and not giving a shit that just being together should have been enough. No matter what she said to me, or called me (names etc) i didn\'t care. I still loved her, no matter what emotional crap she pulled on me, didn\'t matter, i still loved her. Yet she doesn\'t have enough respect or courage to even talk to me. I do derserve better then this. I can\'t believe i\'m the one who has to be sucking up to her to get her back. After all the years i\'ve been there for her, helped her through her problems, protected her against her retard brother, got her back into her own house, let her live with me for 2 years, bought gods only knows how much shit for her and i\'m made to feel like shit. I know my worth, i\'m a good person and didn\'t derserve this.
She\'s confided in friends and family rather then me, i\'ve always confided in her, never my family or even friends. Everything i felt or had a problem with i told to lisa, even if she was doing something herself i didn\'t like. I wouldn\'t run of and tell a mate. She was repeating things to me about what this chick at her work was saying, a chick she HATES and now they\'re best buddies, hmmmm. Anyway, she was saying stuff like "you derserve everything u want" "nathan doesn\'t like me" crap like that. I don\'t know this chick, i\'ve meet her about 3 times. How could i dislike or like her, i\'ve barely even spoken to her. Its crap like that, that was starting before the breakup. I was like, wtf does she have to do with anything? why are u listening to this crap? etc.
and even now i get told by a mate that she\'s emailed a mutural friend saying I\'ve told her NOT to keep contact with them. Which was bullshit, all i said to lisa was they may be upset by whats happened and to be careful when talking to them (they\'ll wanna know why etc) thats it. Lisa herself broke a date with them, she was meant to see them on the friday night before i got my stuff from her place and cancelled. Even so, lisa is a freebird now, what does it matter what i say?? I still love lisa, will for some time, but i\'m not waiting anymore. I\'ve waiting long enough. They say if u let someone go and they come back its meant to be, or some shit like that. I\'ve TRIED to come back to her and got nothing in return.
I\'ll still have to keep in contact with lisa, about the house and issues involved in it, but thats it.
Looking forward to moving into my house, gonna have a nice big house warming party (all the doods from work and friends). Might as well enjoy it while i got it.
Will build a gym in it, work out and play the g-tar, if i meet some special lady
i\'ll ehhh, maybe even have some fun in my new house. heheheheheh