Way to ignore the posts that didn\'t insult you (where is LIC\'s post anyways... an earlier page? I couldn\'t find it).
I don\'t recall LiC posting in this thread about this particular topic.
Either way, if you\'re ever in Ottawa.. and you start clapping DURING a movie, don\'t be surprised if you\'re one of a very few. Also, don\'t take offence when a little bufferzone opens up in seats around you as people move to seats where they won\'t be bothered by you.
Exactly ... In Ottawa... I\'ll make sure to keep that on a list of cities never to visit. Lets get down to it though, I watch movies on the first day and if it\'s a big movie like this one with a huge following and lots of fans from the first, you\'re guaranteed to get fanboys and movie-goers in there who are VERY excited about what\'s going down. Spider-Man 2 is but one example of this, but another is the Star Wars films where you get the same type of following at opening shows and it\'s GREAT fun to be there with them and enjoying the film with them here in the Bay Area.
When I went to see Episode I for the first time, someone had brought a beach ball to keep the entire packed audience occupied before the film and people were hitting it high up into the air. Afterwards, when the movie had started, people were cheering like crazy as soon as Darth Maul unsheethed his double light-sabre and the same people who enjoyed and loved that were there for Episode II and cheered when Yoda got down to it and kicked ass. I find those crowds to be a whole lot of fun and very enjoyable to watch movies with as they can get into it and enjoy it just the same as you can.
Maybe that\'s just the Bay Area, but when we spend ten dollars per ticket and often take two or three of our friends, we are going to enjoy ourselves to the fullest extent and that\'s just how we react to moments on screen when great things happen. Though, to step away from the whole nerd-lore for a second, would you have chastized the people who said "Oh God" fairly silently when they watched the D-Day scene in Saving Private Ryan? That\'s probably one of the most jarring scenes in a war film and I for one can\'t blame them for their reaction to something so horrific and disturbing -- let alone the realization that it actually happened in real life. I\'m sure when we were all sitting in the theatre, we all had a few "Oh my God"\'s we\'d like to express when watching that.
Whatever though. Maybe the Bay Area, or California as a whole, is just that much more into its films.
I, like most people, am not stonefaced. I just don\'t feel it necessary to make noise and disrupt the quiet \'spectator\' atmosphere of a movie theatre. I guess we differ there. Be mature about it, rather than combative (come on Ryu, that\'s what you\'re known for).
Heh. I never realized it before, but swearing and insults illicites a far more enjoyable response then when I approach topics even handedly. As a matter of fact, lots of my replies to topics that are even handed tend to get ignored for the most part no matter the length or the points. From now on though, instead of wasting everyone\'s time by illustrating points and stating facts as literately as possible, I\'m just going to keep it simple and make my points in about as few words as possible. If a simple "F*ck you" happens to be that response in retort to someone insulting me or the way I do things as it conflicts with the way they do it themselves, then that\'s the way it should be.
For the record though, I clapped during Episode I and II and cheered during the scenes mentioned and I was not alone and many other people joined in as well. I thought Daredevil, Hellboy and Hulk were fine films though for totaly different reasons. Micheal Moore\'s movie is a documentary no matter what anyone thinks about its one sided views. Spider-Man 2 was an awesome flick and everyone in the audience clapped and cheered when Mary Jane said "Go get \'em, tiger." and then clapped again when the credits rolled no more then two minutes later. I will see movies on the first day with people who, like me, enjoy the characters and the series of films if it\'s a sequal or a continuation -- like I did for Spider-Man 2 at the midnight showing on Tuesday. Finally, don\'t go to a first day showing of a popular anticipated movie here in the Bay Area if you don\'t want clapping. You\'re guaranteed to get it.
Is it possible for you guys to post your oppinions and have a civilized debate w/o flaming each other in the process?
I\'ve tried that, it\'s not interesting and no one cares.